Well for accomplishments this week I finally finished the Book of Mormon in Spanish!!! Yesterday I ended Moroni 10 and after I kneeled in prayer to ask if the Book of Mormon is true and if this is truly the only church of God in the Earth. As always the spirit confirmed the truthfulness of this gospel, and of this work. Today I started the Doctrine and Covenants, and I also received more of my answer. In D and C 1 verse 30 it says "the only trueand living dchurch upon the face of the whole earth, with which I,the Lord, am well epleased..." I know that this is true with my whole heart.
We also found out late about the Relief Society conference. Our ZL told us about two hours before the conference that we could go and that it would be in the chapel in Por Venir, about a 30 minute bus ride. We were a little worried because the buses at night are.... a little sketch. Even in the day time they are questionable. But we decided that the Lord would protect us, and we had the permission of our leaders, so we were going to go. We brought one of our cute investigators with us, Carolina. Carolina is the neice of one of our recent converts and she is super awesome. We arrived late and only got to hear the last talk from Elder Eyring. However, it was beautiful, and it was exactly what we all needed to hear. Plus, the chapel was air conditioned, so that made it all worth it. As we were walking back we got to talk to Carolina a little one on one about the conference. When we got back we found out that the conference had been in our chapel as well. However, my companion and I quickly realized what a miracle it had been that we got to spend all that time one on one with Carolina, and that was probably exactly what she needed. The Lord always has a plan, and his plans are always perfect.
This week was also a crazy sick week as we found 20 new people to teach! We had decided it was time to drop a lot of people and find new people, and the Lord blessed us! Maria Huezo is so awesome and we met all of her family and we are teaching all of them! Well, not quite all of them. She has 8 siblings, but we are teaching a good chunck of them now. It is awesome to have someone so excited about the work. And everytime she bears her testimony so beautifully, and it is awesome. Marco, her husband, also just finished reading the Book of Mormon. It is so beautiful to watch people grow in their testimony and love of the Lord.
Today for P Day we went to a zoo and the beach (I know, it was awesome-- except that some of the animals were escaping. Gotta love Honduras!). So I am running low on time, but I do know without a doubt that this is the church of Jesus Christ, and I know because I have knelt and prayed and asked the Lord. I know every one of us can have the same answer, if only we are willing to pray and ask in faith. I love what Alma says about finding our answers.
45 And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I aknow of thesethings myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that thesethings whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye supposethat I know of their surety?
46 Behold, I say unto you they are made aknown unto me by theHoly Spirit of God. Behold, I have bfasted and prayed many daysthat I might know these things of myself. And now I do know ofmyself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made themmanifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit ofcrevelation which is in me.
I love that Alma saw an angel of God, but he too needed to pray and fast and ask God. Laman and Lemuel saw an angel, but they were never converted because they never had the desire to truly kneel in prayer and ask God for them selves. Let us be like Alma and not Laman and Lemuel and take the time to truly ask God if these things are true, and if we have asked, let us ask again and again so we constantly remember these things.
I love you all!