First off... can I just say HOW EXCITED I AM FOR CONFERENCE?!? I cannot wait. Seriously. This is going to be the best conference ever!! Because conference is always amazing, and I cannot wait to hear our prophet speak. President Monson is amazing, and we are so lucky to have a prophet who teaches us the will of God.
Second off... I was thinking the other day about how lucky I am to be in this mission. Here in Honduras. There aren´t very many girls in the mission, and there are even less gringas. I know there is a reason for this, and I feel so lucky I get to be here serving in this amazing mission. Whoooooooo yay for Honduras, because Honduras is amazing. Super crazy sometimes, but amazing. As I was flying in from Mexico I had this crazy strong feeling that this is exactly where I am supposed to serve, and I still know that. Also, no cambios for me!! Yayyyy. I am still in awesome amazing Campana. I was convinced I had a cambio because I love my area and companion, and when you love both, you always get a cambio. But here I am, still here, loving life.
Yesterday I also had to give my first talk in Sacrament meeting. I was terrified. In our ward there are six missionaries, and they asked the two gringas to speak. I have never prayed harder for the gift of tongues. But luckily this week I have been reading a lot about how God is a God of miracles, and how he is the same yesterday, today, and always, so I put all my faith in him. After Sacrament meeting Marco Huezo came and told me that he had understood everything perfectly. I almost cried for joy, and almost didn´t believe it. I am so grateful that God is miraculous and that he blesses us with gifts of the Spirit! I am still working on rolling my r´s. If anyone has any secrets for me, let me know.... Because everyone makes fun of me. In a loving, you are such a white girl way... but still :)
For exciting news one of our borrachos (drunk men) in the street finally came to church. After countless Palabra de Sabiduria (Word of Wisdom) folletos he finally came! We were never serious when we were inviting him, but hey, everyone needs the gospel. Sadly he got escorted out, but hopefully we can find him one day sober to teach him. Who knows. Si Dios quiere. If God wants it, it will happen.
Also cool story. Yesterday we were in correlacion (I think it is ward council in English, but our correlacion is nothing like I imagine a ward council... so I am not sure). One of the members said he was talking to someone the other day and they said "oh yeah! The church of the gringas right?" My companion and I felt pretty cool. We try to talk to everyone we possibly can and invite them to come to church. Most of the time no one comes but hey we know the Lord will bless us for our efforts.
Yesterday in our class for our investigators the teacher taught about matrimonio eterno (eternal marriage). Anyways I raised my hand and told about when my two friends got married in the temple before my mission, and how I got to go, and how it was basically the most beautiful thing in the entire world. There aren´t words to describe the Spirit and the feelings in a sealing. Then after the teacher told her story too. The cool thing about here is everyone are converts. There are only a few little kids who were born in the church. The teacher started crying as she started to describe how beautiful it was when she got to go with her family to be sealed forever. Then after one of the Elders, Elder Caballero from Tegucigalpa, shared his story too. His his family got to go to the temple and be sealed for all time and eternity a short time before his mission. The spirit was so strong and so beautiful. Every once in a while we get a taste of heaven and the temple, and it is absolutely beautiful. And I just want to bawl my eyes out because it is so beautiful and people here have so much faith. I was so happy because Maria Huezo was there, and we have been teaching them about eternal marriage basically before they got baptized, because there family is so perfect and ready for the blessings of the temple.
We also taught Amilkar yesterday. Amilkar is awesome. He is 15, and he is super cool. He has these red skinny jeans and he is always impossible to find, so we have nicknamed him "Waldo." We have to ask a million people everytime, and a lot of times the different people will say contradictory things. But it is all good, since we have the Spirit to help us out. He also has these super cool green eyes, which is really rare here, and a fohawk. (I just want you all to have a good picture of this kid :) He has gone to church a bunch of times, and for a long time I thought he was a member. But we found out, nope, he isn´t, so we have been teaching him oh so slowly but little by little. We usually teach him on the side of the road. I don´t know if his family doesn´t like us or what but it´s chill, I am used to sitting in the dirt teaching. Sometimes we can convince his neighbours to let us sit on their porches, so that is nice. Yesterday though my companion and I were asking him why he liked the church, why he reads the Book of Mormon (sometimes he is super slacker, but sometimes he reads a ton!). And he said the sweetest thing. He said ¨I like the way you sing at church, and I like the prayers. I like the feeling." It was so beautiful. So we decided we needed to talk about the temple, and the feelings in the temple. We are going to try to prepare him to get baptized before the next ward temple trip so he can go with the ward. Also tonight we are going to go with him to the Stake President´s for a Family Home Evening (I hope everyone prays that we can find him so this will actually work out... Another round of Where´s Waldo coming up!) Also another random thing about Honduras. Almost all of the leadership is super young. I have always thought of the Stake President as a balding gray haired old man. But here the bishop, stake president, everyone has little kids and are just starting their families.
Well I love ya´ll so much. I know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know God lives and loves us, and that he speaks today. I know we can receive personal revelation, and that he will help us. I know Joseph Smith restored this church. I am grateful for the strength and courage of my ancestors who followed the prophet so that I could have all of the blessings I enjoy today of the gospel. I am so grateful for this opportunity to share the gospel! This is the work of the Lord, and he is hastening this work! Hurrah for Israel!