Friday, March 6, 2015


Welll... the biggest highlight of the week was our muti zone conference with Elder Ochoa!!
Elder Ochoa is just great. 
Some of my favorite things he said:
1. There are thousands of people prepared in every single one of our areas!
2. It is our job to find the chosen of the Lord by opening our mouths and talking to everyone!
3. The baptismal invitation in the first or second lesson is our detector to know if someone is a chosen of the Lord or not.
4. Are we more worried about having lessons or baptisms? If people aren{t progressing, it is time to drop them and find the chosen of the Lord.
5. Angels are preparing the hearts of people to hear our message. 
Alma 13:24  For behold, angels are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory.
And I love what Elder Ochoa said... how is it that angels usually talk? Through the Spirit, through the Holy Ghost, which every single one of us has. If we too listen to the Holy Ghost we can know who he is preparing. 

He also gave us all a big challenge to baptize every Saturday of our missions. Challenge taken! 
He also said many times we do not see the miracles in our missions because of our lack of faith. He reminded us to use our faith, and to always follow the will of God. 
Embarrasing moment of the conference? My comp and I got called up by Elder Ochoa to do a practice of inviting someone to get baptized. The good thing? He said we did it perfectly! The bad thing? My cold came out and up in front of everyone I almost died of a choke attack and afterwards we had to hunt furiously for purified water right after in the middle of the conference. 
Elder Ochoa also talked about the importance of doing God{s will, and that if we put our lives in the hands of God, he will do things that we could never do for ourselves. 
Basically, Elder Ochoa is the coolest person ever. 
He also told us that sometimes we forget to have faith. We read the stories in the bible and Book of Mormon of people baptizing thousands of people, and we think it is just stories... but it is not stories... we need to have more faith and make these things happen!
For sad news my comp has chickingunya. Chickingunya is a sickness that comes form mosquites. The good news? It has not stopped her from working yet... and since it is my last month... I am serious about using every last moment helping people to come unto Christ :)
I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves us! I know if we have faith in him, he can, and will, make miracles happen in our lives. I know he is preparing the hearts of so many people to come unto him and be baptized! I know if we listen to the still, small voice of the Spirit, it will guide us to what we should, and need to do. I invite all of you to act and help someone by finding a Book of Mormon, writing your testimony in it, and giving it to someone this week to help one of your brothers or sisters come unto Christ.
I love you all and hope you have a great week!

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